
At Weldon Angus, we don't flush any of our females until after first observing how the cow raises at least one natural calf.  The cow may look very good on paper, but we want to ensure that she doesn't have any calving problems, that she is a good nurturer and has good mothering instincts without being too aggressive, and that she can raise a healthy calf that gains well.

We have high quality embryos for sale from the following matings:

Riverbend Rita 2418 x SAV 8180 Traveler 004
Riverbend Rita 2418 x Rito 2V1 of 2536 1407
B/R Young Lucy 085 x Ironwood New Level
B/R Young Lucy 085 x Prairiedge Marbull Design931
ACF Everelda Entense 2182 x BR Midland
ACF Everelda Entense 2182 x Summitcrest High Prime 0H29

See below for more information on these matings...

Riverbend Rita 2418

We purchased 2418 as a bred heifer from Riverbend Ranch. In her contemporary group of 51 head, she posted an adjusted %IMF score of 6.17 and a ratio of 125, while recording an individual UREA ratio of 105. She ranked among the top 2% for ultrasound %RP EPD, the top 3% for UREA EPD, the top 15% for %IMF EPD, and the top 20% for both WW and Milk EPDs for all non-parent Angus females. We were so impressed with her first natural calf (heifer out of New Design 208) that we decided to flush her to Traveler 004 and Rito 2V1.

B/R Young Lucy 085

Jointly owned with Rishel Angus, Young Lucy 085 has been a prolific producer.  Her maternal sister was the $24,000 top selling bred heifer of the 1999 Rishel Angus Sale.  Young Lucy 085 posts a WR 2 at 120 while showing an ultrasound IMF ratio 5 at 107, and three daughters maintain a combined WR 5 at 110.

ACF Everelda Entense 2182

Jointly owned with Hunter Farms and Rishel Angus, Everelda Entense 2182 was the top-selling baby calf of the 2002 ACF Fall Female Sale when one-half interest sold for $13,000.  Her donor dam, BT Everelda Entense 43J, is out of the same embryo flush that included the $29,000 BT Right Time 24J, who was the lead bull of the Beartooth Ranch 2000 National Western Grand Champion Pen-of-three Bulls.